Tuesday, November 25, 2008

finally! stylish toy storage

It's stylish but not quite as cheap as Kmart: DwellStudio Toy Storage Cube in Gio Aqua, $134.95 each, from Bebe

It's hard finding storage that is easy on the eyes and big enough to hold all the toys and... STUFF! that kids usually prefer all over the living room floor. Enter, DwellStudio, of course! Known for their gorgeous range of kids linen and soft toys, they've also branched out into storage (and rugs, too!). Made from heavy-duty canvas, they're a good size too as you can see in the pic with the boy and will make the pile of Lego and Barbie dolls look surprisingly chic in the corner of your lounge room! You can get them from Bebe.

The choc spots would fit right in to most people's decor scheme

An idea of the size

Monday, November 17, 2008

happy birthday zak!

My birth day! November 16, 2006

To celebrate Zakky's second birthday yesterday (a few party pics here), I thought I'd share some of those baby book memories you start out doing religiously, then kind of neglect and don't even bother with for the next child (poor second and subsequent children!).

First proper smile: 2 weeks
First laugh: 4 weeks
First roll over: three months
First time sitting up: six months
First crawl: eight months
First steps unattended: 12 months
First word: Dada
First word that wasn't a parent: Shoes
Most recent word: Castle (he got a jumping castle for his birthday)
Favourite toy: Monkey, or "Ooh Ah"
Favourite book: At the moment, "Busy Dumpers"
Favourite song: Alphabet song
Favourite show: Right this minute "Trains" (Thomas the Tank Engine)
I love to... kick a ball, bowl a ball, catch a ball, hit a ball with a golf club, cricket bat, tennis racket and ocassionally the gardening fork. Basically do anything with a ball.
I know... my whole alphabet, numbers up to 30, all my colours, most shapes, animals and modes of transport, most sports, all my family and extended family member's names and who goes with who (ie, partners and children) and a few German words.
I really like... doing puzzles, reading my books, drawing 0s and 1s, being challenged and feeding the ducks at the waterfront.
At the moment I'm completely obsessed with... dump trucks and trains.
I'm really good at... giving spontaneous cuddles and kisses and remembering my manners
I don't like... bathtime (at the moment)
I love to laugh at... my little sister Layla

Friday, November 14, 2008

my swan princess

Organic Swan Onesie, $US18 by Green Thread Shop

There seem to be a few select nicknames that babies get: bubs, monkey, princess. I'm afraid I'm not very original: Zak is monkey because he's so cheeky and cute. It's also his most fave toy ever, but for all the love, he refuses to call it monkey: he calls it "Ooh Ahh". And so far, Layla is Angel or Princess because, well, they seem so girlie. I was calling her Princess Layla and was a little horrified when it dawned on me we'd named her after a Star Wars character. But when I mentioned this to my Star Wars guru of a husband Steve, he assured me it's actually Princess Leia. Close, though.

Steve is of the opinion that because Zak's nickname is also his fave toy, Layla needs a two-in-one too. So Swan Princess she has become. He thought a swan was fitting for a little girl - white (which she SO is), graceful and beautiful. And if she inherits my long neck, all the more fitting! So far, not much luck in the swan toy department, but I did find this cute little organic onesie with a swan on it which I'm going to get her for Chrissy. But in a week or so because I discovered the seller is coming to Australia and will be shipping from here the week of Nov 22 which will mean it's cheaper! I'm a thrifty girl at heart...

Now I know I'm not the most original, but there must be some good nick names out there - so share away! And don't forget the story behind it!

PS: My monkey's 2nd birthday party is on Sunday. I decided on a bit of a "ball" theme (well, "round" theme) because he's completely obsessed with balls. I'll share pics on Monday.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


There are moments when I consider myself supermum. Like when I'm carrying two kids, a bag of groceries, talking on the phone and opening the front door. All at the same time. I also often ask the powers that be for an extra arm when I'm really all out of them. So when I saw this video of this woman who has NO arms - and is a mother to a young baby - I promptly handed my supermum badge over to her. I cannot imagine how she does it. But I'm truly impressed - proof that once again, you can do just about anything if you're determined.

Monday, November 10, 2008

did you know...?

FREE! Download and print out these cute flash cards to teach your child the alphabet. Get it here (you'll need to sign up to see them - it's free)

... that the Huggies website has free downloadable alphabet cards? And playdough recipes? And craft ideas? And great games and things to do with your kids? I didn't. I found this out on the back of a Huggies box (hey, at the moment, when they're on special, my stingy side wins out over the green side). So I checked out the site, signed up and yep! There they are - here. It's not bad actually - if you're ever stuck on a rainy day, head there for some ideas if you just can't bare to read Thomas the Tank Engine for the 425th time.

And a few more. You also have the option of printing them out in black and white so the kids can colour them in - clever thinking by those Huggies people

Thursday, November 6, 2008

awesome apple party!

How pretty is the green pattern? All images via Swanky Tables

While looking through blogland for inspiration for Zak's second birthday, I came across this: a very cool apple themed party put on by none other than Nathalie from Imprintables - an Australian range of gorgeous invitations, stationery and party goods. I'm guessing it was for her son, but how great is it all? Very flash - it's so good, it looks magazine-styled. I have yet to decide what I'll do for Zakky's party - if anything at all as it's only immediate family with a whole three kids on top of my own - but I'm pretty sure it won't look as good as this! heh


Considering his invitations were these little colouring-in cards with his handiwork on it, I thought maybe a "colouring" party: we could do the big Ikea roll of paper over a table, crayons and pencils at the ready and maybe even a little cardboard cubby as I wrote about below. Can you believe the day after I wote that post, I saw another cardboard cubby in the new Inside Out. I loved what they did with it: covered it in wallpaper. This one is cheaper and rather stylish I must say. Then I think to just do away with the whole theme thing because the kids are just going to want to play with everything else other than what you set out. It's always the way! Hmmm, decisions, decisions.

Yummy toffee apples!

So have you had a themed party for your kids? Or attended one? What did you do?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

this ought to keep them busy!

Colouring-in fun! From Elleinterior.se

How cute is this? Perfect for a rainy day! For something similar here, try The Boxman - there are cool cardboard rockets, cubbies, puppet theatre and castle boxes the kids can colour unleash their artistic flair on and their imagination in.

Cardboard cubbies, from $37.50, The Boxman

Another one is this cute white one from Jac's Store. Love the little windows!!

Kids on Roof Cubby House, $69.95, Jac's Store